Pastor Chad Elfe

Following Jesus is an adventure filled with twists and turns, ups and downs, and a whole lot of grace!  Welcome to LMC and welcome to the adventure!  My name is Chad Elfe and I’m the lead pastor here.  In 5th grade God really got my attention when a missionary shared Matthew 24:14 with me which says, “And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come.” (NIV)  I have a passion for helping others let their lives be a testimony of the goodness, grace and love of our savior Jesus Christ.  I am married to an amazing gift from God. Her name is Jenna and we have been blessed with 4 awesome kids, Lilly, Ady, Elly, and Fynn.  We love to be outdoors hiking, biking, fishing, camping and playing just about any sport.  I especially enjoy hunting and fishing and working on my 68 Mercury Cougar project.  We are excited to come alongside the family and friends of LMC to be on mission in this community.  Are you ready for an adventure?  I hope so! 

- Pastor Chad Elfe

Chad Schuermann (Director of Family Ministry)

Since 2003, I have been blessed to call Luther Memorial my faith family. I grew up in St. Louis, MO and attended Concordia Chicago.  I can truly say that my passion is Christian Ed. in Family Ministry.  I love being a part of cultivating family relationships around Christ.  This passion stems from my own childhood and being surrounded by many faith filled men and women.  Teaching and equipping parents to disciple their children while encouraging the larger church family to disciple one another are my primary responsibilities. My wife Tessa and I have two young children – Priscilla (Cilla) and Levi. Despite living in the upper Midwest, I remain a diehard St. Louis Cardinals fan who regularly roots for the Twins. My favorite Scripture passage is Ephesians 3:14-21 “…and to know the love of Christ that surpasses knowledge that you may be filled with all the fulness of God.”

Email Chad Schuermann

Beth Benysek

(Business Administrator)

Do you ever feel there are no mistakes?  The Lord has given me several different paths in life and while I have not always understood it, I wander down it to see what's there.   My newest path led me here to Luther Memorial.   I feel there may be many reasons for that but the first one is as the Business Administrator and truly excited to be here!  I have held several different roles over the years, but my favorite and most important is as a Mom, Stepmom, a foster mom of sorts, mother-in-law and now a grandparent.  My dream was to be a mother and God blessed me in many ways!!  My husband, Mike and I live in Wilson, WI.  I was born and raised in Wisconsin and in fact went to UWRF.  I have wandered away a few times (MN, TX, CA, IL) but in the end I am most definitely a Wisconsin girl at heart!!  My background is in Music, Art, photography and Office Management.  One of my other favorite roles over the years has been my work in the church.  Wherever we have been, I have managed to find a home for my children and I in a church.  It was important to me to raise my children in the church knowing Jesus.  This brought me to be very active in the church, usually within education and music.  Helping children know Jesus!  One of my favorite songs to teach children is "Jump into the Light"  where as in John 8:12, Jesus says "I am the light of the world, whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life."

Email Beth Benysek

Melody Boersma

(Praise Team Leader)

My mom tells the story that when I was about 3 years old she thought she was going to have to change my name because I couldn’t carry a tune in a bucket.  As I grew, we discovered my love of music and realized that I was probably singing harmony the whole time.  From starting piano lesson in 2nd grade to beginning band as a flute player in 5th grade to being a music education major my freshman year of college, music has always been an integral part of my life and my favorite way to praise Jesus.  I served as a Director of Christian Education for nearly 2 decades in churches in New York, Chicago, Dallas and a few in the St. Croix Valley area.  I dusted off my teaching license in 2010, did a few years of subbing and I’m currently a 6th grade math teacher at Hudson Middle School.  Personally, I am the mom to Hope who is studying Psychology at UW-Stevens Point.  It’s been an adjustment being an empty nester, but my Dachshund  (Foxy) and Guinea Pigs (Ruffles and Ryden) keep me from getting too lonely.  One of my favorite Bible verses is Romans 8:28:  “

And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to His purpose.”  Life gets tough and this verse gives me hope and encouragement that even though I don’t know the ultimate purpose for why things happen, I do know that God’s got me in His hands and I can trust that His intent is good and perfect.  Be blessed!

Email Melody Boersma

Monica Bylander

(Ministry Coordinator)

I became a member of Luther Memorial Church at the age of 5, which makes me the most veteran LMC member in the staff.  I am so happy to be here serving the congregation and the Lord!  I have a background in art & design (UWRF Alumni), and also in administration.  You might find my husband, Tony, and I hiking, kayaking a river, mountain biking, or just being outside with our 3 kids and 2 pups.  We are always looking for ways to join Jesus while we adventure through life.  If you are interested in getting involved at Luther Memorial, you have an announcement you would like included in the weekly email/online calendar, or you would like to stop by and chat, I am in the office Wednesday-Friday. Monica Fun Fact: I am convinced that I will win the HGTV Dream Home at some point- I register every chance I get.  “Have I not commanded you?  Be strong and courageous.  Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.” Joshua 1:9

Email Monica Bylander