LMC BIBLe Studies and Groups

Our goal at LMC is to have some place for everyone to plug in and learn more about Jesus and the life that He has called us to in Christ.  How can we be His hands and feet?  How do we live life on mission with Jesus?  No matter what phase of life you find yourself, you belong at LMC!

Sunday morning Bible Study

Sunday mornings at 9:30 you will have an option to join a Bible-based study taught by Pastor, or a video-based study taught by Chad Schuermann (DCE).

Missional Communities

Joining Jesus on HIS Mission!  We are a church of people constantly learning and growing in our mission to bring Jesus to the communities we live in.  There are many options of Missional Communities (missional living Bible studies) available to join.  New faces are always welcome!  For a complete list of options see the Missional Community Page.

Women's Journey Team

Join other women of all ages as we study the Bible and learn from each other what it looks like to live out life as a Godly woman.  There are also many opportunities to serve together as sisters-in-Christ to those in need. (9:30-11:00 AM, 1st & 3rd Tuesdays each month)

Men's Journey Team

What does it look like to be a man of God?  This group invites any man to join in Bible study and fellowship while exploring this concept.  There are also many opportunities to serve alongside your brothers-in-Christ. (7:30-9:00 AM 1st & 3rd Saturdays of each month)

Young'ish Adult Group

This Bible study and life group meets at LMC on Tuesdays at 5:30 PM.  They welcome folks in their 20's & 30's, single or married, members and non-members!  Come talk about faith and life with this fun-loving group.  Free babysitting is included!


Teen group that meets on the third Wednesday of each month.  They do many fun activities and a little bit of growing together.  Some of the activities include: bonfires, pool parties, arcade nights, games, DQ trips, hanging at the park, etc. 

Mid-Week Connect

Wednesday mornings at 8:30, a fun group of retirees join Chad in Bible study and fellowship.  Laughs, connections, and learning are all a part of this dynamic group.  Stop in and check it out!

THursday Morning Bible Study

8:00 AM Thursday mornings, stop in and study the Bible with this group.  They work their way through a book of the Bible together with in-depth discussion and prayer.  

College Bible STudy

We invite the UWRF Students to come over to LMC for free snacks and Bible Study.  This is a chance for them to ask any questions that they may have, and to discuss college life with each other, in order for them to be built up to go out and live the life Christ has designed for them. (Thursdays during the school year 7:00-8:30 PM)

College Student-Led SUnday Bible Study

Hey UWRF Students: join this vibrant group of students as they meet on Sunday evenings at 7:30 PM during the academic year.  

Quilting LIfe Group

Do you love to sew or craft?  Feel free to join the ladies at LMC on the first Thursday and third Saturday of the month to spend time creating together.  You can bring your own project, or work on one together for outreach.  (9:00 AM-? on the 1st Thursday and the 3rd Saturday of the month)


Make a joyful noise onto the LORD!  The LMC Choir meets on Thursdays at 6:30 to practice and enjoy singing in 3 or 4 part harmony together.  If you have any questions, talk to Tony Brace.

Church Beautification

Do you have a flair for the design?  Our Church Beautification group decorates the Church for Holidays, special events, and makes the world a more beautiful place.  If you have questions about this, talk to Ellen Schultz.

Costa RIca Mission Team

Have you ever felt the nudge of calling to mission work?  We believe that we are all missionaries in the communities we have been placed, but a mission trip is a great way to see God at work in miraculous ways.  It will also stretch your comfort zone and help you rely on God more and more.  We have a great relationship with Uncion Y Fuego in Costa Rica and go back each year to serve. If you have questions about this, talk to Quentin Schutlz, or check out the C4 Continent page

Education Hour

Pre-school through High School students have an opportunity to learn more about the Bible on Sunday morning at 9:20 AM.  We have activities and fellowship galore while learning together.  

Trunk or Treat & 

Visit with Santa Outreach group

We have some fabulous community outreach events at LMC and so many opportunities to serve!  You can join this team to help plan and execute fun families events!

Campus mInistry Team

We have a heart for college students and we love to feed them!  The campus ministry team plans and hosts events each month for the campus.  We start off the school year with a big Campus kickoff event with a free food truck, games, gift card giveaways and more!  The each month we host a free meal for the students with LMC donations.  During finals week, we have a feeding frenzy (3 meals and snacks to take back) and "study hall" where students can some study with our free Wi-Fi.  This group also makes sure we have snacks for college Bible study.  If you have questions, please contact Sandy Brace.


Jo Ayres and her husband, Bud, along with other folks go to visit shut-ins and people who could use a smile.  If you would like to be involved in visiting people with the Daybrighteners group, please contact Jo Ayres.  

Praise Team

Would you love to share you gifts of singing or instrument playing with LMC?  We are always looking for new faces, voices and hands to join in leading the contemporary praise team worship songs!  If you have questions, talk to Melody Boersma

Shepherd Council

We believe that connection to, and really knowing each other is a mark of a healthy church.  Our Shepherd council consists of 5 people who each have a small group of LMC in their flock.  They plan get-togethers, get to know the people in their group, and have a way to facilitate the church taking care of each other as LMC grows.  Need a meal train?  Haven't seen someone in a while?  Need help moving?  These are ways a shepherd group can support each other.