THe 2911 Project

The 2911 Project is a non-profit organization providing safe and sober housing for those seeking a new life.

Mission Statement: Turning Obstacles into Opportunities


1.) Unity!  Common welfare should come first

2.) God is our ultimate authority.  Leaders have been appointed, and act as servants NOT senators.

3.) Each home has a unified primary purpose: to create a safe and sober environment for those seeking recovery.

4.) Principles before personalities and we never take ourselves too seriously. 

5.) We carry our EXPERIENCE, STRENGTH, & HOPE in every interaction and in all affairs.

Ways you can help

  • PRAY for us!

  • Construction Project- Painting, electrical, plumbing etc.

  • Monthly Service (deep cleaning, Maintenace, etc.)

  • Phone lists: Rides, Side Jobs, Sponsorship, childcare, etc.

  • Financial Support

  • Administrative/Outreach Support

  • Spread Awareness- share what you learned

  • How are you being called?

Why it works

River Falls is a community that has many steppingstones in place, to help people in recovery in a wholistic way.  See the diagram below:

Where we fit


power of Prayer

We believe in the transformative power of prayer!  Please keep us and the lives being changed through what God is doing at the 2911 Project in your prayers.